
GET api/calculate/{targetArmorName}/{targetLevel}

Calculate result of enhancing target armor to target level.

GET api/calculate/{targetArmorName}/{startLevel}/{targetLevel}/{feederArmorName}/{armorsmithCount}/{armorsmithLevel}

Calculate result of enhancing target armor to target level using another armor.

GET api/calculate/{targetArmorMaxLevel}/{startLevel}/{targetLevel}/{baseFeedCost}/{isSameElement}/{armorsmithCount}/{armorsmithLevel}

Calculate result of enhancing an armor of target rarity using provided feed parameters

POST api/calculate/epicBoss

Calculate damage done/taken against epic boss using specific armors

GET api/combine/{armorName1}/{armorName2}

Calculate the result of combining 2 armors.

GET api/split/{targetArmorName}

Calculate the armors that can be use to combine to get target armor

GET api/armorData/{armorName}

Gets armor from armor name.

GET api/levelData

Get all level data

GET api/armorData

Get all armor data